10 Gift Ideas for the Outdoors Lover

‘Tis the season for family gatherings, holiday meals, and gift giving! Cross off your holiday shopping list for the camper and outdoors lover in your life with some of these must-have gift ideas. None of the following are affiliate links and we don’t receive compensation for these recommendations. They’re just cool products we love and suggest. Find them at the suggested links or at your preferred outdoors retailer. Here are ten gift ideas for the outdoors lover or RVer in your life!

For Families with Small Children

One of our family’s favorite games is “Seek and Find.” It’s a small deck of cards with pictures of things to find – not necessarily the thing that’s pictured (like a penguin), but rather something that fits the description, such as “Something cold,” “something striped,” “something fuzzy,” etc. It’s a fantastic outdoor scavenger hunt to play that can keep kids busy! Find it here.

Gift Ideas for the Outdoors Lover
source: Amazon.com

For the Happy Camper

Deck the halls – or in this case, the new or used RV – with small items that are both useful and decorative, and which let guests and family know how much you love camping. Find and give ‘happy camper’ items like the following:

Gift Ideas for the Outdoors Lover
source: Amazon.com

For Outdoor Adventurers

Nothing beats good camping gear when you love really being able to get into the great outdoors. I asked the outdoors lovers in my life what they’d really love, and some of the things they mentioned are lightweight, packable jackets, moisture wicking socks, a multitool, and waterproof firestarter, among other ideas.

Gift Ideas for the Outdoors Lover
source: Amazon.com

The One Size Fits All Gift

Still stumped on gift ideas for the outdoors lover? Here’s one you can’t go wrong with: a gift certificate to our RV parts and accessories store. This lets the RVer and camper in your life grab exactly what they want, when they need it…so it’s a win-win! We can get you squared away with this, so don’t wait – contact us today!

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